School Fees
Oeiras International School (OIS) is a not-for-profit organization run by OIS, Associação SFL (OIS, ASFL), a charity of investors and associates who helped found the school in 2009. No-one receives dividends from school activities and the board does not receive a salary.
Our main aim is to provide excellent International Baccalaureate (IB) education, focusing on STEAM subjects, and executing our vision, mission and values. Part of this plan is to expand our facilities, providing more space in which students can develop, including new science labs. To support our vision, we recruit fantastic teachers and pay them fairly.
An important part of our school philosophy is to help our Portuguese community by providing scholarships to students who fulfil the requirements. OIS is run by the parents and we try to make attending the school affordable.
Payment Procedures
Fees at OIS are invoiced by term. The payment schedule for school fees will be as follows:
Fee type | Payment Deadline |
Registration | February 1st |
Term I | July 1st |
Term II | December 1st |
Term III | April 1st |
Terms and Conditions
The Application fee is paid one time, and is a mandatory fee for all students applying to OIS (first time). This amount is to cover administrative costs of the Admission process.
Once the registration process has been completed, the student is deemed to be enrolled in the school. If for any reason the student does not attend, the registration fee is not refundable and Term I fees are still payable. The school needs a one-term warning for student’s withdrawal or the respective fees will still be due.
Payment Details
All amounts must be received by the school net of all bank charges.
Payment by bank transfer:
– NIB Santander-Totta: 0018 0003 23137466020 89
– IBAN : PT 50 0018 0003 23137466020 89
Please make sure the student’s name is indicated on the transfer to ensure the credit is applied to the correct account.
Payment by check:
Please make checks payable to Oeiras International School ASFL.
Fees 2024-2025
School Year | Registration | Term | Year |
2, 3, 4 (PYP 1, 2 & 3) | 1 260€ | 3 780€ | 12 600€ |
5 (PYP 4) | 1 314€ | 3 942€ | 13 140€ |
6 (PYP 5) | 1 603€ | 4 809€ | 16 030€ |
7, 8 & 9- (MYP 1, 2 & 3) | 1 713€ | 5 139€ | 17 130€ |
10 & 11 (MYP 4 & 5) | 2 026€ | 6 078€ | 20 260€ |
12 (DP 1) | 2 068€ | 6 204€ | 20 680€ |
13 (DP2) 2 Terms only | 2 068€ | 9 306€ | 20 680€ |
Additional Fees:
- Application fee (one time, mandatory fee for all students applying to OIS: €250)
- Annual insurance per Student: €20
- Yearbook per Family: €40 (Should families wish to purchase additional copies, please contact directly).
- Y11 Exams (IB-MYP assessment) (€900) are billed with Term II Fees
- Y13 Exams (IB-DP assessment) (€900) are billed with Term II Fees
- School meals are billed termly
Click here for School Calendar SY2024-25
Billing Schedule

Termly fees are payable within 30 days of the date of invoice.
Legal taxes (4%) to be applied.
Further delay in payments may result in suspension of services.
Once the registration process has been completed, the student is deemed to be enrolled in the school. If for any reason the student does not attend, the registration fee is not refundable and Term I fees are still payable.
The school needs a one-term warning, in writing to the Principal, for a student’s withdrawal, or the corresponding fees will still be due.
Payment type | Billing date |
Registration fee | February 1st |
Term I | June 1st |
Term II | November 1st |
Term III | March 1st |
Discount type | Discount |
Tuition fees for second child | 5% |
Tuition fees for third child | 15% |
Tuition fees for fourth child and so on | 25% |
Annual tuition fees paid in advance, before July 1st* | 2.5% |
*Date to be extended to August 31st only for students registering from July 1st to August 31st, 2024
*These discounts are only applied to the Term Fees.
If fees are not paid according to schedule, all discounts will be annulled. Non payment of fees and fines involves the retention of reports and exam results for all members of the family or employer.
Library: OIS does not charge fines for books not returned on time, however, if books are damaged or not returned to the Library at the end of the school year, a fine will be applied. The cost of the fine will be the price of the reading book or textbook plus a 15% surcharge to cover carriage and administration. If parents are able to replace the book same for same then this is also acceptable.
Lost OIS team equipment: €100
Lost Diary: €5 for the SC fund
Fees 2025 – 2026
School Year | Registration | Term | Year |
2, 3, 4 (PYP 1, 2 & 3) | 1 355€ | 4 064€ | 13 547€ |
5 (PYP 4) | 1 413€ | 4 238€ | 14 127€ |
6 (PYP 5) | 1 683€ | 5 049€ | 16 830€ |
7, 8 & 9- (MYP 1, 2 & 3) | 1 799€ | 5 396€ | 17 987€ |
10 & 11 (MYP 4 & 5) | 2 127€ | 6 382€ | 21 273€ |
12 (DP 1) | 2 171€ | 6 514€ | 21 713€ |
13 (DP2) 2 Terms only | 2 171€ | 9 771€ | 21 713€ |
Additional Fees for 2025-26
- Capital Levy*:
One (new) student | 5 000€ |
Two (new) siblings starting in the same year | 7 500€ |
Three or more (new) siblings starting in the same year | 8 500€ |
*This non-refundable fee is a one-time entry charge as outlined above for new students who will commence in September 2025, and who apply on or after the 16th January 2025.
Current OIS families enrolling a new student will also be charged benefiting from a 10% discount. The capital levy will be invested in improving the OIS facilities.
- Application Fee (one time, mandatory fee for all students applying to OIS: €250)

The school has its own bus routes, from Cascais, Estoril, Sintra, Parede and the Lisbon area. In the morning, buses will arrive in school between 8:00am and 8:15am. In the afternoon, buses will leave at 4:00pm and 5:30pm (to allow students to participate in after-school activities).

F. Irmãos is our transport provider.
Transportation will be invoiced PER TERM: Prices for SY 24/25 are: One way – 525€; Two ways – 840€
Meals & catering

Origem is our meals provider. Origem is a well-known Lisbon-based healthy food restaurant producing nutritious and healthy food, including vegetarian and vegan options. All of their food is tasty and nutritious, and each day they offer a variety of main courses to suit all tastes and appetites.

Lunch is served in our spacious dining area but many students and staff prefer to eat in the great outdoors on our sunny terrace (even in winter!) or in our picnic area. Al fresco dining is a great Portuguese tradition, and one we embrace at OIS. Every day students can enjoy soup, salad and a main course of either meat, fish or vegetarian followed by a simple but delicious dessert, fruit, and healthy low-sugar juice or water.
Origem and OIS promote healthy and sustainable food. Origem uses the best of ingredients and include a balance of cereals, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, fish, meat and vegetable oils in their menus. These ingredients are complimented with other slightly more unusual healthy cereals and vegetables that are often absent from our daily lives, such as brown rice, boulgour, lentils, millet and quinoa, among others. The goal is to make healthy, natural food that is wonderful to eat and great for your health and growth. We also try to broaden our children’s horizons by exploring new tastes and unfamiliar flavours – sometimes school (and friends) can succeed where parents cannot!
For those who prefer the taste of home, school microwaves are available in the covered area (cafeteria) to heat up pre-cooked lunches. During summer many students simply bring in a packed lunch which they take off into the quinta for a pleasant picnic with friends. This is one of the great pleasures of self-catering at OIS.
On the main campus, there is a coffee shop that provides sandwiches, snacks and hot & cold drinks. This is open to students and visiting parents, and is a convenient meeting point for many in our community. Again the focus is on healthy options, so sugary carbonated drinks are not available, but good coffee and interesting juices certainly are, alongside classic Portuguese classic such as pasteis de nata and pão de deus.
Meals will be invoiced PER TERM: Prices 24_25 – €6 (it includes the whole meal (soup, salad and a main course of either meat, fish or vegetarian followed by a dessert, fruit, and a low-sugar juice or water.)