Student Council

The Student Council is a great introduction to democracy and leadership for many of our students. The council formally represents the student body of OIS. The members are drawn from all year groups and are directly elected by their peers. Elections take place annually.

We pride ourselves as a school that promotes student leadership, and the council is probably the most obvious example of this, but not the only one. Leadership is also developed by our sports captains, House Captains and Vice-Captains. We like to offer a range of leadership opportunities in different areas to appeal to students of different interests.

Also, the council is led by the Head Students, another example of student leadership. Applicants for this role must undergo an interview with a panel of senior staff. If successful, they then go on to canvass around the school, a process which includes speaking in assemblies and at tutor meetings. Finally, there is an election where all students choose among the candidates through a secret ballot.

The Work of the Student Council

Although each year is different, certain patterns of activity have emerged. Firstly, there is a focus on service and charity. The council will organize events in response to local or global crises, they will fundraise, and they will collect food and clothing for those in need. Collections for our local food bank have been more or less continuous for several years now, and seem to be going from strength to strength. These collections are all organized by the Student Council.

Pink Day
Pijamas day
A parent and a child at Twins Day
A parent and child wear a rugby shirt for Twins Day
Trunk or Treat
Ghost Busters
Haunted House
Traffic Cone

Secondly, there is an emphasis on social events for students that are organized by the students themselves. Stalwarts of the calendar include the Halloween party, which is a great collaboration between the Student Council and the Parents Club. There is also the Snow Ball.

Plus, we have Spirit Week and various one-off events, such as sport tournaments, musical events and competitions. Themed, online quizzes, for the entire school, are very popular too. These events are not just for fun, they also give students a way to raise money for their chosen charities. What’s more, students benefit from the experience of organizing a large event and working as a part of a team.

The council exists for the benefit of the students of OIS, and as such, sometimes chooses to spend some of its funds on improvements to the playgrounds or equipment. However, by and large, it is a charitable body and is focused on service to others.