Our Guiding Statements

Ten years after founding the school, the OIS Board and Associates decided to review its vision, mission and values. The school had grown, the ethos had developed, and it was appropriate to begin a process of reflection and review.

Moreover, drawing together all stakeholders, the Board listened to the views of those who have a stake in OIS. This included parents, students, teachers, alumni and even the local community. The result was the new vision, mission and values guiding statements.

There is a clear connection with our history, but also a move towards greater environmental awareness, inclusivity and personal growth. What’s more, during this work, the website and visual identity of OIS were also reviewed and refreshed. Once again, community involvement was key to the success of the project.

At OIS, learning is all about being bold and curious – like being an explorer in a world of knowledge. Our school is an amazing place where every day is a new adventure, filled with fun, challenges, and teamwork. Read more…

Global Citizenship and Intercultural Learning at OIS integrates a comprehensive approach that weaves together the wellbeing of individuals and communities, adherence to the highest ethical standards, a deep commitment to the values underpinned by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Read more…

Digital citizenship refers to the responsible and respectful use of technology by individuals within our global community. Read more…