
Oeiras International School began in 2009 as the dream of a group of parents. They decided that, from the beginning, there would be a scholarship program to cater for greater equality in educational opportunities for young people in the surrounding community of Oeiras. This commitment to children in the local community was also made to the Câmara Municipal de Oeiras (CMO) and included as part of our agreement with them.

The founders were aware that there would be great financial constraints in the early years of the school but wanted to make this commitment from the beginning. So they offered one scholarship in the first year and increased this number by one for each successive year until there was a scholarship for each year in the school cycle, a total of seven. This number was later increased by the board to ten full scholarships.

About OIS Scholarships

Each year a number of scholarships may be awarded to students who either live or study within the Oeiras area who otherwise may not have the opportunity to benefit from an OIS education. The scholarships are advertised in the local press and through the support of the CMO.  Applications are considered on merit by the Scholarship Selection Council of the Board. The following conditions apply:

  • Open to all students who are ranked in the top 10% of their school year, not currently attending OIS, for Year 7 through Year 12
  • Scholarships are restricted to students who either live or attend school in the municipality of Oeiras
  • Covers all yearly school registration and fees and required educational activities. No other discounts to be applied.
  • Selection is merit based (grades and recommendation letters) and weighted by need (written statement of need from the parents)
  • The OIS online application must be submitted before 15th March at 17:00.  It must contain:
    • Letter of application from the applicant’s parents in English or Portuguese
    • A short video made by the applicant that outlining why they wish to join OIS, in English
    • Applicant’s Curriculum Vitae
    • Reports from the previous three years including grades from their current school year
    • Three recommendation letters (one must be from the Head Teacher/Principal and the other two from current teachers).
    • A declaração from the Head Teacher/Principal that states the applicant is ranked in the top 10% of their grade.
    • The link to the OIS application form is HERE.
  • The Scholarship Selection Council is composed of one representative from the CMO and at least three OIS representatives
  • Automatic yearly renewal based on continued high academic achievement and significant involvement in wider school activities

Deadlines for Scholarship Applications for Academic Year 2024/25

  • Announcement and request for candidates for the next year published in general purpose media during first quarter of calendar year
  • Application submission deadline 13:00 on March 15th  
  • Candidate screening process deadline March 30th
    • Submitted documentation evaluation
    • Candidate and family Interviews
    • Up to two candidates per scholarship pre-selected to be presented to the Selection Council for decision.
  • Selection Council meeting in April
  • Proposal to Board of scholarship(s) award at the April Board Meeting
  • Official attribution in May

Please complete the OIS Scholarship Application Form by clicking here.

If you have any questions, please contact