Behaviour at OIS and Other Policies

The Oeiras International School (OIS) Behaviour Policy sets the standard by which members of the OIS community interact with each other, and is based on the concepts of respect and dignity.

In essence it includes the development of the International Baccalaureate (IB) learner profile attributes. The values and attitudes of the school are significant in shaping the future of its young people.

In a school that has a commitment to the values inherent in the IB learner profile, the way we engage with each other will be clear in classroom and assessment practices, and in the daily life, management and leadership of the school.

A graphic of the 'respect, responsibility and rights' philosophy, integral to the school code of conduct.

We have high expectations of the community at OIS. Mutual co-operation, respect for property, respect for our environment and, above all, respect for each other, are essential to our happiness. The perfect conditions for learning to take place require feeling and being included, having a sense of belonging and physical and emotional safety. This responsibility is shared by each and every member of our learning community.

Our Behaviour Policy sets the context for a safe and productive learning environment by outlining expected behaviour in a caring school.

The IB Learner Profile

The IB Learner Profile is the IB mission statement translated into a set of learning outcomes for the 21st century. Besides, it provides a long-term vision of education and a set of ideals that can inspire, motivate and focus teachers and learners.

Furthermore, attributes and descriptors in the learner profile define the type of learner the IB hopes to develop through its programs.

Read more about the IB

Equal Education Opportunity Statement

No student at OIS will be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, race, religious belief, national origin, ethnic group, or disability.

Positive behaviour expectations at OIS:

We all have the right to:We all have the responsibility to ensure that:
o be treated with respectothers are treated with respect
o be physically safe and to expect my property to be safe at schoolothers are physically safe, and the property of others is safe
learn & teach without disruptionthere is no disruption to another person’s teaching-learning environment
work in and enjoy a safe, secure and clean environmentwe keep our environment safe, secure and clean
achieve my educational potentialI develop my potential and to assist others in doing the same
be proud of my achievementsmy actions do not discredit the school
participate without fear of ridicule or intimidationI am punctual and prepared for all classes
I work to the best of my ability always
my uniform/clothing adheres to the School
dress code
I will follow the mobile phone policy
I am aware of and abide by the behaviour policy

Recognition of positive behaviour:


All absences from school must be accompanied by a letter/email from the parents/guardians explaining the absence on the first day of the absence. Please write to your child’s Form Tutor directly and copy stating name of child, tutor group and reason for absence.

Authorised absences include:
o Doctor’s appointment with medical certificate or letter
o Illness: for less than three days, students must bring a note from a parent. For three days or more, students must bring a medical certificate for the full period of absence
o If students fall ill during the school day and are sent home by the nurse
o Special circumstances approved by the school. For example, based on religious holidays or sport activities legally recognised and accepted as such by the Principal
o Any as consequence of school suspension

Non-authorised absences include:
o All those not authorised beforehand according to the above, holidays that extend into school days not pre-authorised by school, etc.
o Parents coming during the day to withdraw their children without authorisation from school
o Any justifications that are not accepted by the school Principal.

Absence without authorisation from OIS or justification from parents is considered truancy and will be treated as a disciplinary issue.

*Arriving late to a lesson or to morning tutor group is unjustified. When this occurs frequently without written notification, a meeting with parents is required.

*More than five unjustified absences from any single subject may constitute failure of that subject for the year.

*Total number of absences amounting to less than 90% attendance in one school year may constitute failure of that year.

If a student is absent for more than 5 consecutive days without written notification from parents, they will be considered withdrawn from the school.


OIS observes and regularly reviews a number of key policies. Some of these are available through the links below.

Absence During Assessments Policy

Admissions Policy

Academic Integrity

Anti-Bullying Policy

Assessment Policy

Behaviour Policy.

Child Protection, Safeguarding and Safer Recruitment Policy

Inclusion Policy

Language Policy

Mobile Phone Policy

Student Parent Handbook