On June 22, 2021, Oeiras International School launched a new visual identity, a new website and a new domain. OIS celebrates it’s 10th anniversary and for this occassion the brand was updated.
The trail

In March 2021 the stakeholders chose the trail as their new logo. The trail is inspired on the trails in the quinta. The trail signifies that students have the freedom to choose their own trail in life.
The logo contains our new brand name OIS, rather than Oeiras International School. It’s much shorter, and in daily use everybody says OIS anyway. The domain changed from oeirasinternationalschool.com to ois.pt.
The colors, for uniforms and other applications, were kept the same as the original visual identity. The orange is based on the Nesperas (also known as loquats) fruit, a fruit that grows on the quinta.


The official logo – used in daily applications, such as signs, uniforms, email signatures and digital documents. The text ‘Oeiras International School’ can be omitted in certain applications, such as sports uniforms, jackets or in on-line applications.

The institutional logo – used in formal applications, such as reports, certificates, diplomas, formal clothing (ties and blazers) and certain formal applications (x-mas decorations, anniversaries and gifts). Sapere Aude – dare to learn – is a central part of the institutional logo.

The social media logo – used for most social media platforms (2021: Facebook, Instagram) and messaging platforms (WhatsApp). The logo uses the blue gradients from the original Farol do Bugio lighthouse logo.
Our complete styleguide is available for download.
OIS brand styleguide